Announcement: PRB Vacancies (January 13, 2014)
Pursuant to Executive Order No. 496 and PRC Resolution No. 2013-737, the PRB Screening Committee invites qualified applicant/professionals to fill up the vacancies in the following Professional Regulatory Boards:
- Aeronautical Engineering (Presidential Decree No. 1570)
- Agricultural Engineering (Republic Act No. 8559)
- Agriculture (PRC Resolution No. 2000-663)
- Chemical Engineering (Republic Act No. 9267)
- Chemistry (Republic Act No. 754)
- Electrical Engineering (Republic Act No. 7920)
- Environmental Planning (Presidential Decree No. 1308)
- Fisheries (PRC Resolution No. 2000-664)
- Foresters (Republic Act No. 6239)
- Geodetic Engineering (Republic Act No. 8560)
- Geology (Republic Act No. 4209)
- Guidance Counseling (Republic Act No. 9258)
- Interior Design (Republic Act No. 8534)
- Landscape Architecture (Republic Act No. 9053)
- Marine Deck Officers (Republic Act No. 8544)
- Marine Engineer Officers (Republic Act No. 8544)
- Medical Technology (Republic Act No. 5527)
- Metallurgical Engineering (Presidential Decree No. 1536)
- Mining Engineering (Republic Act No. 4274)
- Naval and Architecture Engineering (Republic Act No. 4565)
- Nutrition and Dietetics (Presidential Decree No. 1286)
- Physical and Occupational Therapy (Republic Act No. 5680)
- Professional Teachers (Republic Act No. 7836)
- Radiologic Technology (Republic Act No. 7431)
- Sanitary Engineering (Republic Act No. 1364)
- Social Workers (Republic Act No. 4373)
Interested parties may submit applications to the Committee through the PRB Selection Committee Secretariat of the Professional Regulation Commission within thirty (30) days from the date of this publication. The qualification criteria (subject to the provisions of applicable laws) and required documents are posted in the PRC website. Application forms may be downloaded from this LINK.
Under no circumstances will applications be entertained without the required documents and updated clearances.
(orig. signed)
Chairman, PRB Screening Committee
Approved by:
(orig. signed)
Chairperson, Professional Regulation Commission
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