Republic of the Philippines
Board of Mechanical Engineering adopts New Syllabi
Posted on 24 September, 2013

Manila, September 24, 2013 – The Professional Regulation Commission announces the adoption of modified syllabi of the subjects in the licensure examination for Registered Mechanical Engineers.

The Board of Mechanical Engineering, in its issuance of Board Resolution No. 57 dated July 25, 2013, mentioned that the adoption of the syllabus or table of specifications will appropriately incorporate the competencies covering the topics, areas and concepts into the Board Licensure Examination subjects, not only providing the percentage weights and the number of items but also the levels of difficulty.

The Board, in consultation with the academe, adopted the new syllabi which will be the basis for the test questions that will be inputted into the test question databank.

The new syllabi will be applied in the September 22 and 23, 2013 and every subsequent licensure examination for Registered Mechanical Engineers.


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