Republic of the Philippines
Capacity Building for Regional Directors on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) And Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF)
Posted on 12 January, 2016

Manila, January 12, 2016 --- The Professional Regulation Commission conducted a seminar on Continuing Professional Development and Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework on November 23 – 26, 2015, held at Torre Venezia Suites Hotel, Timog Avenue, Quezon City. The event was attended by various Directors of PRC Regional Offices and various members of the Professional Regulatory Boards.

On the first day of the seminar, the topics discussed were: Linking of CPD and Gender and Development (GAD) in a Capacity Building Enhancement Program led by Dir. Lily R. Baldago, Co – Chairperson for Regional Offices; CPD Program Management Committee, Significance of CPD to PQF in ASEAN Integration led by Hon. Perla G. Po, Chairperson of CPD – PMC; Understanding the Importance of Regional Offices vis-à-vis CPD council and Secretariat, led by Atty. Maria Liza M. Hernandez, Officer-In-Charge of Standards and Inspection Division; Accrediting a CPD Provider: Who, Why and How?, led by Hon. Bernadette M. Reyes, Head of Capacity Building Committee CPD – PMC; Accrediting a CPD Program: What, Why and How?, Hon. Nenette T. Dagondon, Member of PRB for Customs Brokers; The Self Directed Learning and/or Lifelong Learning: Scope and Boundaries (Pre – Evaluating Documents), led by Hon. Gerard B. Sanvictores; Member of CPD – PMC, Orientation and grouping for Workshop, led by Atty. Maria Liza M. Hernandez, OIC of Standards and Inspection Division. The entire event proceedings were moderated by Ms. Maria Ellen Ruditha A. Quinicio, Unit Head of CPD.

On the second day of the seminar, the event started with a recap of the first day as reported by Mr. Reynaldo V. Cristobal, OIC Director of PRC Lucena. The 2nd day of the event was dedicated as workshop for the attendees in assessing CPD providers, distribution of various worksheets and division of groups, followed by critiquing and responses from the participants in an open forum type discussion.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF)

Main issues discussed were the lack of CPD units in various regional offices, their proper qualifications of hiring, and their proposed CPD plans to be implemented in different professions. During the open forum, Atty. Ramil Gabao; Chairman of the Board of Criminology proposed for the removal of the NBI and Professional License from the qualifications of CPD providers, following up this statement that the CPD acts as a unit and not individually. He further proposed for a dedicated and separate seminar in regards to the monitoring of CPD, and its possibility of CPD unit transformation to a fully independent division stated in Senate Bill No. 2581 “Continuing Professional Development Act of 2015”. The proceeding was moderated by Atty. Maria Liza M. Hernandez, OIC of Standards and Inspection Division.

During the afternoon, Director of Baguio; Regional Office Teofilo Gaius Sison Jr., provided an update in regard to the upcoming PRC reorganization. Hon. Yolanda D. Reyes; Commissioner of PRC gave her closing speech and thanking all the participants. The day ended with a group picture taking with the beloved commissioner.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF)

In the next two days of the event, the seminar mainly focused on GMEF. The 3rd day was moderated by Ms. Jonaphel Anne S. Necer; GAD Dedicated Staff of PRC. The topics discussed were Basic Gender and Development Concepts, GAD Mainstreaming and GAD Planning and Budgeting Guidelines (DBM, NEDA AND PCW Joint Circular 2012-01) lead by Vichel Junguilon – Pangan.

The final day of the seminar, moderated by Mr. Reynaldo V. Cristobal; OIC Director OF PRC Lucena, is dedicated as a workshop for the participants in concerns with the Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework and Plenary Presentation of Workshops outputs, led by Ms. Maecel Angelica Cayanan; Planning Officer of Philippine Commission on Women. The participants were divided into 4 equal groups, assigned in 1 of 4 GAD mainstreaming entry points which are Policy, People, Enabling Mechanisms and Programs, Projects and Activities. Each group was provided with their own working laptop, projector and projector screen in the creation of each group’s presentation from the assigned topics.

During the afternoon and after each group’s presentation, clarifications were made by the speaker and the synthesis of the event was stated by Dir Rodrigo L. Balaqui, Jr., Director of PRC Tuguegarao. The 4 day seminar finally ended with the Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation and Participation, insights of the speakers and closing remarks led by Ms. Gloria L. Asinas, Vice Chair of TWG- GADFPS.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF)