Malacañan sets third week of October as Philippine Professionals Competitiveness Week
The President has declared the Third Week of October of every year as “Philippine Professionals Competitiveness Week”. The declaration is contained in Proclamation No.487 series of 2012 which was issued on October 2, 2012 in time for the First Professional Summit on October 18-19, 2012.
Recognizing the important role that the Filipino professionals play in nation-building and development, the President cited the need to enhance the skills and competencies of Filipino professionals in order for the Philippines to become more globally competitive.
In line with these directions, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and the Philippine Association of Professional Regulatory Boards, Inc. will be presenting to the Office of the President the Roadmaps of the 46 Professions under PRC. Presentations from renowned leaders and experts in the Medical & Health, Engineering, Business, Social Services, and Technology professions will also mark the First Professional Summit on October 18, 2012 at the Manila Hotel.