Republic of the Philippines
Dental Hygienist Exam moved from December 14-15, 2014 to June 7-8, 2014
Posted on 15 November, 2013

Manila, November 15, 2013 – The Professional Regulation Commission and the Professional Regulatory Board of Dentistry announces that the Dental Hygienist exam scheduled on DECEMBER 14-15, 2014 is moved to JUNE 7-8, 2014.

The Board of Dentistry through Resolution No. 34 dated November 11, 2013 resolved to move the schedule of the examination to comply with the provisions of Section 13 of Republic Act No. 9484 (Philippine Dental Act) and Section 13 (b) of Board Resolution No. 12 series of 2007 or the Rules and Regulations of R.A. 9484.

According to the Board, the Philippine Dental Law provides that the Board Licensure Examination for Dental Hygienist shall be given once a year after the written exam for Dentist in the month of June.

The Dental Hygienist exam for CY-2014 was earlier scheduled on December 14-15, 2014 through Commission Resolution No. 2013-782.

Deadline for the filing of application for the exam is set on May 19, 2014.