Republic of the Philippines
PRC Pilots Web-Based Queue Management System (eQMS)
Posted on 30 September, 2020

As the government continues to push ahead with the digital innovation of public services in this unusual time, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), with its desire to bolster up said direction, pilots the implementation of its Web-Based Queue Management System (eQMS) in all its frontline offices nationwide.

eQMS is a system developed by the PRC’s Information and Communication Technology Service (ICTS) wherein clients will be able to secure their queueing tickets for their specific transactions through their mobile devices using internet connectivity. With the said system, clients will no longer have to wait long at the PRC premises while waiting for their queueing numbers to be called since they can view the waiting list and monitor their queues through their mobile devices, thus, giving them the chance to maximize their time while minimizing the risk of exposure within the PRC premises.

This new system of the PRC will better manage the flow of its transactions in delivering frontline service and will promote minimal interactions with and among clients to further abate the spread of the Coronavirus Disease.

To guide the administrators and relevant users of the standard procedures and protocols in the implementation of the eQMS, the PRC issued the guidelines on the implementation of the said system through PRC Resolution No. 1273 (s.2020), the full text of which can be accessed through (link).

Indeed, the newly developed system is a testament to the Commission’s thrust to continuously enhance its online services to respond to the needs of the “new normal” and serve the public in the most convenient and efficient manner.