Republic of the Philippines
Invitation to Service Providers to Present a Proposal as A Payment Channel to Interface with PRC’s Existing Online System to Service the Filipino Professionals in The Processing And Payment of PRC’s Various Transactions
Posted on 6 March, 2019

Invitation to Service Providers to Present a Proposal as A Payment Channel


Request for Proposal (RFP)


Dear Sir/Madam,


The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) is an agency of the national government responsible for the administration, implementation and enforcement of regulatory policies in the regulation and licensing of various professions and occupations under its jurisdiction.  It recognizes the importance of information and communications technology as a strategic tool in the delivery of its services, in the performance of its functions and in the achievement of its vision.

The PRC is aware of the availability of modern technology-based solutions, schemes and strategies that offer options to further improve its service delivery and accelerate the attainment of its mission and vision.  In 2016 the PRC pilot-tested Online Services of application for examination, initial registration and renewal of Professional ID cards with electronic payment and collection systems.

The PRC intends to continue adopting the online Electronic Payment and Collection System (EPCS) for the processing and collection of fees of application for examination, initial registration, renewal of PRC ID cards, and extending it further to cover other services such as certification fees, additional payment modes and to enhance its present system.

The principal objective of this project is to give greater ease and convenience to the transacting clients by providing additional options for examination application, initial registration and renewal of PRC ID cards as well as by providing additional payment options. With the help of current technological innovations, PRC will expand its capability to serve both aspirants and professionals based locally and overseas particularly those in far-flung areas.  The enhanced services will likewise integrate other PRC systems and provide necessary links to other government agencies for verification of application requirements.

In this regard, PRC is inviting service providers to present a proposal as a payment channel to interface with PRC’s existing online system to service the Filipino Professionals in the processing and payment of PRC’s various transactions.

Attached herewith a copy of the Terms of Reference. 

Please be guided accordingly.

Thank you.


Very truly yours,


Assistant Commissioner


Click HERE to see the full text of the invitation and description of the said project.