Republic of the Philippines
Extending the Deadline for Filing of Applications for the April 2023 SPLE in Middle East Countries and Singapore Until Ferbruary 12, 2023 and Prescribing the Guidelines on the Transfer of Examination
Posted on 10 February, 2023

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) informs the public that the deadline for the filing of applications for the April 2023 Special Professional Licensure Examination (SPLE) in the Middle East countries and Singapore is extended until February 12, 2023.

Further, all applications for the shall be filed not later than February 12, 2023, subject to the following rules and guidelines:

  • Applicants shall pay the deficiency at the Cashier of the Regional Office where they originally filed their application for examination, personally or through a representative;
  • After payment, applicants shall submit a request letter to transfer from local examination to SPLE to the Regional Office where they originally filed their application, copy furnished the Licensure Division via e-mail at;
  • The processor of the Regional Office concerned shall put a remark in the system “With additional payment of _____ and the Receipt Number is ____ dated ______” before transferring the place of examination to the preferred testing venue for the April 2023 SPLE;
  • The processor shall also put the same remark on the examinee’s application documents before transmitting it to the Licensure Division; and
  • During the evaluation of documents in the respective testing venues, all applicant-examinees shall present the original or photocopy of their receipts or proof of payment to the Delegation Team for verification and recording purposes.

For queries and concerns, please email Licensure Office at and the concerned PRC regional office which can be found in this link:

For updates on 2023 SPLE, you may check the PRC website at    and follow PRC official social media accounts at    and