Republic of the Philippines
January 2017 Architect Licensure Examination
Posted on 5 January, 2017

Manila, January 5, 2017 - The Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture announces the conduct of the Board Licensure Examination for Architects on January 27 (Friday) and 29 (Sunday), 2017 in Manila, Baguio, Cebu, Davao and Legaspi for one thousand six hundred four (1,604) examinees.

Program of the Architect Licensure Examination can be viewed HERE.

Examinees are advised to be at their designated rooms before 6:30 in the morning on the first day of examination. Examinees are required to observe the dress code of plain white polo shirt with decent pants or slacks. They are required to bring their Notice of Admission (NOA), applicant’s stub, official receipt, metered-stamped window mailing envelope, two or more pencils (No.2), black ball pens, long brown envelope and long plastic envelope.

On the second day of the examination, every candidate must bring the following: Architect scales (English and Metric Scales), 30 x 60 and 45 degrees triangles, protractors, non-programmable calculators, pencils, drawing pens, erasers, graphed paper and other tools for sketching purposes and a copy of Rules VII and VIII of the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. no. 1096 “1997 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)”.

Room Assignments will be posted HERE.

Examinees are encouraged to review the Prohibited Acts inside the Examination Room and corresponding penalties through this LINK.

Late examinees will not be admitted.