Republic of the Philippines
Face-to-Face Oath Taking Ceremony for New Licensed Professional Teachers in PRC Ilocos Region
Posted on 3 March, 2023

ROSALES, PANGASINAN – A total of 3,507 passers of the Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers (LEPT) held last October 2, 2022 officially took their oath as Licensed Professional Teachers last February 18, 2023 at the Robert Estrella Sr. Stadium, Rosales, Pangasinan.

In her welcome remarks, PRC Regional Office I Director Arl Ruth B. Sacay-Sabelo congratulated the new Licensed Professional Teachers, and encourage them to continue to make progress and to showcase their talents in inspiring and shaping the lives of the future generations.

PRB Vice Chairperson Hon. Paz I. Lucido warmly greeted the oath-takers upon their admission to the noblest profession and inclusion in the Roll of LPTs during the delivery of her inspirational message. She discussed the meaning, honor, and significance of the LPT pin. Moreover, she emphasized the significance of PAFTE and new LPTs' Ongoing Professional Development and concluded her speech by reiterating that "without teachers, there would be no other professions."

The administration of the oath of professionals and the pinning ceremonies was led by Hon. Navarro. She congratulated the oath-takers and wished them well in their future endeavors.

To conclude the oath taking ceremony, PRB Member Hon. Paraluman R. Giron reminded the new LPTs of their civic duties. She also encouraged them to express their gratitude to everyone who had helped them become LPTs, including their families, friends, teacher, and, most importantly, our Almighty God.

Professional Regulatory Board (PRB) for Professional Teachers Chairperson, Hon. Rosita L. Navarro and Former PRB Member and current PAFTE National Adviser, Dr. Brenda Corpuz, Regional PAFTE Officials also attended the ceremonies.


