Face-to-Face Oathtaking of the New Speech-Language Pathologists
The face-to-face special oathtaking of the new Speech-Language Pathologists will be held on July 17, 2023, 1:00 P.M., at Meeting Room B, 3rd Floor Secretariat Bldg., Philippine International Convention Center (PICC), Pasay City.
Approved SLP applicants for registration without examination who are interested to attend the face-to-face oathtaking shall register not later than 12:00 NN of the day prior to the date of the oathtaking at http://online.prc.gov.ph to confirm their attendance.
Further, please bring ANY of the following on the day of the oathtaking:
- Vaccination Card
- Negative RT-PCR results taken within 48 hours before the oathtaking
Those who will not be able to attend the scheduled face-to-face mass oathtaking may attend the online oathtaking or request for a special oathtaking. Online Oathtaking announcements will be posted once schedule is confirmed.
After the oathtaking, you may proceed with your Initial Registration for the professional identification card (PIC) by securing an online appointment at http://online.prc.gov.ph.
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