PRC Participated in the 108th ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Services (CCS) and its Related Meetings
On 21–25 October 2024, the Philippine Delegation Team from the Professional Regulation Commission represented by various Professional Regulatory Boards participated in the recently conducted 108th ASEAN Coordinating Committee on Services (CCS) and Related Meetings, held in Jakarta, Indonesia.
The Business Services Sectoral Working Group (BSSWG) led by the Hon. Robert S. Sac, Chairperson, PRB of Architecture joined by other concerned Professional Regulatory Boards (PRB) from the Engineering Cluster: Hon. Praxedes P. Bernardo, Chairperson, PRB of Civil Engineering, Hon. Francis V. Mapile, Chairperson, PRB of Electrical Engineering and Hon. Concordio D. Zuñiga, Member, PRB of Geodetic Engineering; Technology Cluster: Hon. Robert M. Mirafuente, Member of PRB of Architecture as Observer; and from the Business, Education, and Social Cluster: Hon. Noe G. Quiñanola, Chairperson, PRB of Accountancy.
During the discussion, the Philippine delegation team highlighted previous bilateral discussions and meetings with other ASEAN Member States (AMS) addressing the issue on the mobility of professionals. Specifically, for the architectural services, the Philippines recalled having an interactive dinner meeting with the Indonesian Board of Architecture to take up possible bilateral agreement with Indonesia which both parties recognized the mutual benefit of establishing a reciprocal recognition arrangement that will facilitate the professional mobility of architects between the Philippines and Indonesia and thereby enhancing opportunities for practice, collaboration, and knowledge exchange.
It was also noted that the high number of Registered Foreign Professional Engineers (RFPE) and Registered Foreign Public Accountants (RFPA) compared to Registered Foreign Architects (RFA) is due to the interpretation of certain provisions under the Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs). The CCS took note of the significant issues being addressed with the Business Services Sectoral Working Group (BSSWG) and its MRA Committees, particularly on the waiver of registration fees for ASEAN professionals and registered foreign professionals. The MRA Committees and the BSSWG likewise encouraged the participating countries in the 108th ASEAN CCS to look into possible ways to further enhance the utilization of ASEAN MRAs and mobility of their professionals, and exploring the possibility of allowing individual practice, and even through further amendments of their MRAs if deemed fit or necessary.
Significantly, the ASEAN Competent Authority Committee on Surveying (ACACS) Chair formally signed and adopted the ACACS Terms of Reference (ToR) and Assessment Statement witnessed by AMS. The CCS requested ACACS to explore establishment of a new MRA on Surveying to accommodate their current work approach.
The CCS commended the BSSWG with its four (4) MRA committees and subsidiary bodies for their overall efforts especially in the implementation of MRAs as well as sharing best practices of respective professions, progress, and achievements. CCS also acknowledged the advancements in developing a network of bilateral tax treaties among AMS to address concerns on double taxation.
On the other hand, the Health Services Sectoral Working Group (HSSWG) led by Hon. Zenaida L. Antonio, Chairperson, PRB of Medicine together with Hon. Efren C. Laxamana, Member, PRB of Medicine; Hon. Merlin A. Go, Chairperson, PRB of Dentistry and Hon. Elsie A. Tee, Chairperson, PRB of Nursing also participated and commended by the CCS.
CCS commended the HSSWG and its three ASEAN Joint Coordinating Committees (AJCCs) for their efforts in implementing the MRAs and took note of the outcomes of the four groups’ self-assessments that most of the action lines has been completed. HSSWG will continue to initiate exchange of information regarding laws, practices, and developments in the practice of healthcare services within the region. The CCS advised HSSWG to reflect on its current work plan and consider for possible adjustments, including identifying activities that can be continued, expanded, or discontinued, in order to have an effective HSSWG work plan for post-2025.
The next BSSWG and HSSWG back-to-back Meeting and the 109th CCS Meeting is yet to be announced.