PRC Disowns Public Announcement of PhilRES' AIPO Status
Manila, October 2012 -- The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) today issued a disclaimer over a Public Announcement purportedly recommending to the House of Representatives the adoption of a resolution for the Professional Regulatory Board of Real Estate Service (PRB-RES) to resolve the PhilRES’ AIPO status in compliance with Section 34 of the Real Estate Service Act of the Philippines.
The PRC and the PRB-RES both said the issuance of the public announcement bearing the seal and logo of the PRC and the PRB-RES is not official.
Board of Real Estate Service Chairman Eduardo G. Ong made it clear that the PRB-RES’ approval was not requested in the issuance of the public announcement. Neither was the PRC’s approval sought in the issuance of the said article.