Republic of the Philippines
NOTICE : To all concerned Chief Mate and Master Mariner applicants to the March 3-4, 2012 Marine Deck Officers Licensure Examinations
Posted on 20 January, 2012

Notice is hereby given to all concerned Chief Mate and Master Mariner applicants who will take the March 3-4, 2012 Marine Deck Officers Licensure Examinations who are required to submit the Revised Management Level Course (RMLC) Training Certificate.

In view of the failure to submit the revised MLC training certificates on or before February 3, 2012, the set deadline for the processing of applications, considering the very recent implementation of the revised MLC requirement, all concerned Chief Mate and Master Mariner applicants shall be allowed to have their applications processed not later than February 3, 2012, provided they submit the enrollment or registration form from a MTC accredited training center as proof that their training is still on-going.

This Notice applies only for the March 3 and 4, 2012 Marine Deck Officers (Written) Licensure Examinations. The revised MLC Certificates however, must be submitted not later than February 24, 2012 at Marine Deck Officers Division, PRC Manila.

Non-submission of the said MLC certificates on the set deadline will mean: a) exclusion from the list of examinees who will take the March 3-4, 2012 Marine Deck Officers licensure examination and b) non-issuance of the Notice of Admission.

Applicants for the Licensure Examination for March 03 and 04, 2012 who will not be able to meet the deadline of completing the MLC requirements on or before 24 February 2012, may opt to file their application under the Walk-in Examination System (WES).

This Notice shall not apply to applicants to the Officer-In-Charge of a Navigational Watch licensure examination.

Issued this 20th day of January 2012 in the City of Manila, Philippines.

Click here to view the full text of the Announcement