Republic of the Philippines
  • 19 August, 2011

    The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 32 out of 45 passed the Mining Engineer Licensure Examination given by the Board of Mining Engineering in Manila this August 2011.

    Likewise, the application for registration without examination by Mr. Omar Soriano Abanid as Certified Mine Foreman was approved by the Board as per Resolution No. 03-2011 and in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 4274, known as the “Mining Engineering Law of the Philippines.”

  • 17 August, 2011

    The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 1,605 out of 2,131 passed the Physician (Complete, Finals and Finals with Prelims) Licensure Examination given by the Board of Medicine in the cities of Manila, Cebu and Davao this August 2011.

    The members of the Board of Medicine who gave the licensure examinations are, Dr. Miguel L. Noche Jr., Chairman; Dr. Florentino C. Doble, Dr. Restituto C. De Ocampo, Dr. Edgardo T. Fernando, Dr. Mildred N. Pareja and Dr. Jose Y. Cueto, Jr., Members.

  • 16 August, 2011

    The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 33 out of 40 passed the Metallurgical Engineer Licensure Examination given by the Board of Metallurgical Engineering in Manila from August 13-15, 2011.

    The members of the Board of Metallurgical Engineering are Agustin M. Fudolig, Chairman and Juancho Pablo S. Calvez, Member.

  • 16 August, 2011
    Press Release: August 15, 2011


  • 15 August, 2011

    The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 215 out of 600 passed the Master Plumber Licensure Examination given by the Board for Master Plumbers in the cities of Manila, Cebu and Davao this August 2011.

    The members of the Board for Master Plumbers who gave the licensure examination are Engr. Virgilio D. Simbulan, Chairman; Engr. Jessie M. Mariano and Engr. Valentino M. Mangila, Members.

    The results were released in two (2) working days after the last day of examination.

  • 11 August, 2011


    Registration for the issuance of Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card will start on August 15, 2011 until August 19, 2011 at the Registration Division Ground Floor, Unit C. The Oath taking ceremonies of the Real Estate Service practitioners for Consultants, Appraisers and Brokers, to be held on August 30, 2011 at the Fiesta Pavilion, Manila Hotel , One Rizal Park, Manila at 1:00 o’ clock in the afternoon. For those names who were included in the prior approved resolutions may opt to attend the oath taking.

  • 05 August, 2011

    The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 204 out of 566 passed the Veterinarian Licensure Examination given by the Board of Veterinary Medicine in the cities of Manila and Cagayan de Oro this August 2011.

    The members of the Board of Veterinary Medicine are Dr. Tomas M. Acorda, Chairman: Dr. Lina S. Policarpio and Dr. Ma. Elizabeth D. Callanta, Members.

    The results were released in two (2) days from the last day of examination.

  • 03 August, 2011

    The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 541 out of 955 passed the Real Estate Appraiser Licensure Examination given by the Board of Real Estate Service in Manila, Baguio, Cebu and Davao last July 2011.

    The members of the Board of Real Estate Service who gave the licensure examination are Dr. Eduardo G. Ong, Chairman; Bansan C. Choa, Ramon C.F. Cuervo III, Florentino C. Diño II and Rafael M. Fajardo, Members.

    The results were released in three (3) working days after the last day of examination.