29 March, 2010
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 601 out of 1,134 passed the Mechanical Engineer Licensure Examinations given by the Board of Mechanical Engineering in Manila and Cebu this March 2010.
The members of the Board of Mechanical Engineering who gave the licensure examinations are Engr. Alfredo Y. Po, Chairman; Engr. Leandro A. Conti and Engr. Vicente B. Vosotros, Members.
The results were released in one (1) day after the last day of examinations.
22 March, 2010
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 40 passed the Professional Electronics Engineer Examination given by the Board of Electronics Engineering in Manila this March 2010. The members of the Board of Electronics Engineering are Engr. Sylvia Icasiano-Marcelo, Chairman; Engr. Nestor C. Dacanay and Engr. Joel B. Bajador, Members.
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22 March, 2010
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 15 out of 25 passed the Landscape Architect Licensure Examination given by the Board of Landscape Architecture in Manila this March 2010.
The members of the Board of Landscape Architecture who gave the licensure examination are Carlito B. Pesons, Chairman; Cecilia H. Tence and Cynthia M. Sundiang, Members.
08 March, 2010
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 514 out of 873 passed the Medical Technologist Licensure Examination given by the Board of Medical Technology in the cities of Manila, Baguio and Cebu this March 2010.
The members of the Board of Medical Technology who gave the licensure examination are Dr. Marietta C. Baccay, Chairman; Ms. Marilyn R. Atienza and Ms. Marian M. Tantingco, Members.
The results were released in three (3) working days from the last day of examination.
February 2010 Marine Deck Officers Licensure Examinations Results released in three (3) working days03 March, 2010
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 1,823 out of 3,532 examinees passed the written phase of the Marine Deck Officers Licensure Examination for the various ranks given by the Board for Marine Deck Officers in Manila last February 2010. And a total of 187 examinees are exempted from taking the practical examinations as they opted to submit a Certificate of Training and Certificate of Assessment in the Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork (SSBT).
26 February, 2010
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 57 out of 179 passed the Master Plumber Licensure Examination given by the Board for Master Plumbers in Manila this February 2010.
The members of the Board for Master Plumbers who gave the licensure examination are Engr. Virgilio D. Simbulan, Chairman; Engr. Jessie M. Mariano and Engr. Valentino M. Mangila, Members.
The results were released in one (1) working day after the last day of examination.
25 February, 2010
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 621 out of 1,344 passed the Physician (Complete, Finals and Finals with Prelims) Licensure Examination given by the Board of Medicine in the cities of Manila and Cebu this February 2010. One (1) out of 11 passed the Preliminary Examinations.
The members of the Board of Medicine who gave the licensure examinations are, Dr. Mildred N. Pareja, Chairman; Dr. Florentino C. Doble, Dr. Restituto C. De Ocampo, Dr. Edgardo T. Fernando, Dr. Miguel L. Noche Jr. and Dr. Jose Y. Cueto, Jr., Members.
19 February, 2010
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 32 passed the Professional Mechanical Engineer Examination given by the Board of Mechanical Engineering in Manila, Al-Khobar, K.S.A., Abu Dhabi & Dubai, U.A.E. & Doha, Qatar last November and December 2009.
The members of the Board of Mechanical Engineering are Engr. Alfredo Y. Po, Chairman; Engr. Leandro A. Conti and Engr. Vicente B. Vosotros, Members.