18 June, 2012
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces the release of the sixth tranche of Professional Identification Cards (ID’s) of the following professionals who filed for renewal of their respective licenses:
June 2012 Architect Licensure Examination Results Released in Three (3) Working Days (50.69% Passed)14 June, 2012
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 987 out of 1,947 passed the Architect Licensure Examination (ALE) given by the Board of Architecture headed by its Chairman, Arch. Armando N. Alli with two other members, Arch. Angeline T. Chua Chiaco and Arch. Marietta Bundalian Segovia. The examination was held in Manila this June 8 & 10, 2012.
14 June, 2012
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) headed by Chairperson Teresita R. Manzala and the Professional Regulation Commission Employees Union through its president, Alfonso Viloria, signed the Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA) in a simple ceremony held at the Examiners Lounge, PRC Main Building, Manila on June 4, 2012.
13 June, 2012
Notice is hereby given to all concerned Chief Mate and Master Mariner applicants who will take the July 21 and 22, 2012 Marine Deck Officers Licensure Examinations who are required to submit the Revised Management Level Course (RMLC) training certificates.
08 June, 2012
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 514 out of 1,093 passed the Radiologic Technologist Licensure Examination and 34 out of 131 passed the X-Ray Technologist Licensure Examination given by the Board of Radiologic Technology in the cities of Manila, Davao and Iloilo this June 2012.
06 June, 2012
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) through Chairperson Teresita R. Manzala and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) Director General Joel J. Villanueva, through Deputy Director General Teodoro C. Pascua, signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on May 29, 2012 for a Walk-In Examination System (WES) Testing Center at the Government Center in Rosales, Pangasinan.
01 June, 2012
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) through Chairperson Teresita R. Manzala and PAG-IBIG Fund CEO Atty. Darlene Marie B. Berberabe, signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on May 29, 2012 that would further ensure that professionals become Pag-IBIG Members and enjoy the many benefits of being Pag-IBIG Members.
The MOA provides the following items of cooperation between the PRC and the Pag-IBIG:
01 June, 2012
The Professional Regulation Commission announces the appointment made by His Excellency, President Benigno S. Aquino III of the first members of the Professional Regulatory Board of Respiratory Therapy in an announcement made by Deputy Presidential Spokesperson Abigail Valte on May 4, 2012.